Privacy Policy

Radio Wrocław | Utworzono: 2024-08-06 13:04
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Basic information about personal data
At Polskie Radio - Regionalna Rozgłośnia we Wrocławiu "RADIO WROCŁAW" - Spółka Akcyjna, we care about your privacy. This privacy policy regulates our stance on the collection, processing, and use of personal data of users.

From May 25, 2018, on the territory of the European Union, including Poland, the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR") shall apply. In connection with this, we are beginning the process of obtaining consents from users for the collection and processing of their personal data. Giving consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time.

We use technologies such as cookies and localstorage on our websites to collect and process personal data for the purpose of analyzing traffic on the websites.

You have the right to request from us, as the administrator of your personal data, access to your personal data, their correction, modification, deletion, or restriction of processing, to object to the processing of personal data, the right to data portability, and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority - GIODO. These rights also apply in the case of proper processing of data by the administrator.

Definition of personal data according to GDPR
According to Article 4 of the GDPR, "personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

When using our services, such data includes, for example, your name, email address, phone number, IP address, or pseudonym.

Personal data may be recorded in cookies or similar technologies (e.g., localstorage) installed by us on our websites and devices used when using our online services or services.

Basis and purpose of personal data processing according to GDPR
The processing of personal data requires one of the legal bases specified in the GDPR, and without one of these bases, Polskie Radio Wrocław S.A. will not be entitled to process your personal data. The GDPR provides several legal bases for data processing, and in the case of using our online services, the following bases may primarily apply:

  • Voluntary consent. In the case of conducting marketing and promotion of our own services (e.g., organizing a concert, selling a CD with songs), we need to be able to process your data based on the given consent. Giving consent is voluntary, and in no case are you obliged to give it.
    If consent is given, your data will be processed until it is withdrawn, restricted, or other actions from your side limiting this consent are taken. Giving consent generally takes the form of a statement made by checking a so-called checkbox on our website, next to which its content is placed.
  • The necessity of processing personal data to conclude or perform a contract to which you are a party. The contract may be concluded based on the regulations posted on one of our websites. Therefore, if we conclude a contract with you, we are entitled to process your personal data solely for the purpose of fulfilling the contract binding us. The data will be processed for the duration of the contract.
  • The necessity of processing for purposes resulting from legitimate interests pursued by the Company as the data controller. The above applies when the processing of personal data is justified by our legitimate needs, such as ensuring service security, performing statistical measurements, improving our services. In cases where the basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the administrator, personal data will be processed until this legitimate interest exists.

Personal data administrator
The administrator of your personal data will be Polskie Radio - Regionalna Rozgłośnia we Wrocławiu "RADIO WROCŁAW" - Spółka Akcyjna, based in Wrocław, ul. Karkonoska 10, 53-015 Wrocław.

What personal data is collected and used by Polskie Radio - Regionalna Rozgłośnia we Wrocławiu "RADIO WROCŁAW" - Spółka Akcyjna?
Users of our services remain anonymous as long as they do not decide otherwise. Information contained in system logs (e.g., IP address), resulting from general Internet connections, is used by Polskie Radio Wrocław S.A. for technical purposes related to administering our servers. At the same time, IP addresses are used to collect general, statistical demographic information (e.g., about the region from which the connection is made).

Using the services offered by the Company may involve filling out a form where it is necessary to provide information allowing contact with the user (e.g., email address, phone number). Information such as name, age, gender may be used by us to provide services based on the contract concluded with you.

How is personal data protected?
Both the form filled out by the user when creating an account and the authorization (login) process to our online services is carried out using the secure SSL protocol, which enhances data transmission protection on the Internet. Information is stored and processed by the Company with appropriate security measures meeting GDPR requirements.

Are personal data shared with other entities?
Radio Wrocław S.A. allows users to leave comments under publications on the websites, where content entered by the user (e.g., opinions) becomes publicly available. The user can publish their content on these websites and decide how it will be signed.

Based on the obtained information, Radio Wrocław S.A. prepares aggregate statistical summaries. Such summaries do not contain data allowing the identification of individual users.

At the same time, your personal data may also be processed by other entities if you give them consent. In any case, transferring data does not release the transferor from responsibility for their processing. Data may also be transferred to public authorities if authorized by applicable laws and they present an appropriate request, but never otherwise.

Right to access, correct, and delete user information
Radio Wrocław S.A. provides each user with an account on our online services, a profile page available after authorization. This page allows access and modification of personal data held by Radio Wrocław S.A. about the user. If the user finds this solution insufficient, especially if they wish to delete their data, they can contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected] or in writing to Polskie Radio - Regionalna Rozgłośnia we Wrocławiu "RADIO WROCŁAW" - Spółka Akcyjna, ul. Karkonoska 10, 53...

Right of choice
Radio Wrocław S.A. gives its users the choice of whether and to what extent they want to use services and provide information about themselves. Most of our services are available without providing information about yourself, only some services require registration. Creating an account on Radio Wrocław S.A.'s online services is a voluntary decision of the user, and they can resign and delete their profile entirely or partially at any time.

Our goal is to ensure the highest possible level of protection. The development of technology and the expansion of Radio Wrocław S.A.'s offer means that our privacy policy may change, which we will inform about on these pages. Radio Wrocław S.A. is open to any opinions, comments, and questions from its users regarding the confidentiality of information and data protection. To this end, you can contact our Data Protection Officer electronically at [email protected] or by traditional mail to Polskie Rad...

We use technologies such as cookies, localstorage, and similar on our websites and applications to collect and process personal and operational data to analyze traffic on our websites. Cookies are IT data stored in files and stored on your end device (i.e., your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), which your browser sends to the server each time you enter the website from this device while visiting our websites. The entity placing cookies on the user's end device and accessing them is the owner of the S...

In our online services, we use two main types of cookies:
- session cookies (session cookies): temporary files stored in the user's end device until logging out, leaving the website, or turning off the software (web browser);
- persistent cookies (persistent cookies): files stored in the user's end device for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the user.

The end user may consent to the storage of cookies from the portal on their end device using the settings of the software installed on the telecommunications device used by them.

In many cases, the software used to browse websites (web browser) by default allows the storage of cookies on the user's end device. Users of our online services can change their cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed, in particular, to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform about their each placement in the user's device. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) setti...

Glossary of useful terms
The following descriptions are not strict definitions. Their purpose is only to approximate some of the terms used in this document.

  • cookie - a small piece of information saved by the server on the user's computer, which the server can read when reconnecting from this computer,
  • system log - information transmitted to the server by the user's computer with each connection, which may contain various data (e.g., IP number), allowing to determine more or less accurately where the connection came from,
  • IP address - an individual number that generally every computer connected to the Internet has; the IP number can be permanently associated with a given computer (static) or assigned to it for a specific connection (dynamic),
  • SSL protocol - a special standard for data transmission on the Internet, where the transmission is encrypted, as opposed to ordinary transmission, where the data is sent in plain text.